PART ONE Word and phrase Translation
Question 1---10
Direction: Put the underscored English word or phrase into Chinese in each of the following 10 statement.
1 It is widely accepted that an offer loses its (validity) of the time of the rejection by the offeree.
2 Most intermnational sales contracts contain (a claim clause) in which the principles , time and applicable lawof remedy are provided.
3 The first rounds dealt mainly with tariff reductions but later negotiations included other areas such as (anti-dumping and non-tariff measures).
4For a bond, it is establishing (a debyor-creditor relationship) between the issuer and the buyers
5The buyers are able to (negotiate the bonds) in a second market when the market tone fits them.
6The customer will be provided with a plastic card carrying a line of credit that, ranging from several hundredto several thousand dollars, varies according to (the creditability of the customer).
7As a result ,bank loans can on the whole be categorized into( demand loans and term loans).
8The evolution of the system of record keeping which came to be called (“double entry”)was stronglyinfluenced by Venetian merchants.
9 “I should add that it was an irate( policy holder), that the people who have some sort of problem,the peoplewho really need insurance cannot get it.”
10That spells trouble for Japan and the rest of Asia,whose economies are not strong enough to grow without(a consumption-driven American economy).
Pare two
Section A
Directions:Match the following 10words and phrases in colum A with its Chinese equivalents in conlumB. Donot choose any letter more than one.
11 personal home page A. 中间商 K. 特许
12intermediary B. 师资 L. 企业
13liquidation C. 减退 M. 申请
14faculty D. 录取 N. 规定
15locomotive E. 个人主义 O. 寿命
16slow-down F. 清算 ,变现
17coordinator G. 协调者
18admission H. 火车头
19longevity I. 演变
20equity J. 证劵
Section B
Direction:Match the following 10 words and phrases in A with its English equivalents in B.Do not choose anyletter more than one.
21债务 A. certificates of deposit
22 获利性 B. budget
23 大额存款单 C. representative
24 账号 D. destroy
25 偿付 E. trustee
26 认购 F. profitability
27 受托人 G. interest rate
28 股票值 H. stock value
29 预算 I. preliminary
30 初期 J. underwrite
K. account number
L. offer
M. liability
N. issuer
O. rembursement
Fill in each of the following blanks with an appropriate word from the list ( You can only choose 10 from thefollowing 12 words in the square)
When making a sale to a foreign customer the exporter may consider carefully the(31) of the contract. One ofthe most important features of all sales contracts is the time clause which (32) __ when the shipment must goforward from either the factory or seaboard. No buyer is willing to place an (33)__ for the merchandise to bedelivered at some indefinite future time. Should the seller fail to comply with the time (34)______ of a contract,he will most probably lose a customer, and besides, he is to blame for the (35)__ of the contract.
The time of shipment is so vital to the exporter that he has to consider it carefully when (36)_ _ a contract.The shipment should come into (37)__ neither too long nor too short a time after the contract is concluded.Generally speaking, the time limit (38) a shipment is of three categories :the shipment with a (39) __ date i theshipment with a date in (40) future; the shipment with an indefinite date.
Section C
Translate the following into English:
Translate the following into Chinese:
46. It is quite natural that disputes arise in the course of the execution of a business contract or relating to theinterpretation of the provisions of a contract. Some business-men resort to unscrupulous (不道德的)means tobreak the .contract when the market price of the contract goods is falling drastically or the rate of exchange.is fluctuating in a direction adverse to their interests. They will spare no effort to try to terminate the contract.With a view to prevent this from happening and also providing the ways to solve the trade disputes in casethey arise, the two parties in a business transaction normally incorporate in the contract such provisions asregarding disputes, claims, penalty, force majeure, and the ways of settling trade disputes should they arise.
1 ---E
2 ---A
3 ---F
4 ---B
5 ---H
6 ---C
7 ---G
8 ---D
9 ---O
10 –J
31. terms 32. stipulates 33. order 34. provisions 35. breach
36. negotiating 37. effect 38. governing 39. fixed 40. near
41. A draft is either clean or documentary. In the latter case, the draft is accompanied by the relevantdocuments such as the bill of lading, the invoice, the insurance policy etc.
. A draft is either clean or documentary. In the latter case, the draft is accompanied by the relevantdocuments such as the bill of lading, the invoice, the insurance policy etc.
42. In the case of sight credits, payment can be made promptly upon presentation of draft and impeccableship indocuments.
43.The importer can sell the goods to a new buyer while they are being carried by means of negotiableshipping documents which are very convenient for use.
44. Insurance is a risk transfer mechanism, by which the individual or the business enterprise can shift someof the un-certainty, of life to the shoulders of others.
45. The purpose of IMF is to provide medium term assistance to those Fund members with paymentdifficulties.